Quiz #1
Due Date: Friday 27 October, 1 pm
As we have discussed in class, your first quiz for the term will be a formal essay which you should post as an entry on your weblog no later than 1 pm on Friday 27 October. The essay should be approximately 500 words in length. In your essay you must make use of material from the required course readings (all of which are listed on this site). You should also use other material linked through the course weblog, and you may use other sources as you wish. All ideas and words you borrow from any sources must be clearly cited in the text of your essay (and supplemented with an online link if possible).
Your assignment is to write an essay exploring some way that new information technologies are changing (or might possibly change) journalism. This assignment is intentionally broad to allow you to choose a specific issue that interests you.
Be sure that your final essay is fully developed, with a clear opening position, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Feel free to discuss your ideas for essay topics with me.
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