Thursday, September 28, 2006

Assignment #2, Last Task

Due Date: Friday 6 October, 1 pm

For the third part of assignment two, be sure you have done everything outlined in the entries on task one and task two. Review to be sure you have used the correct links and that all your comments at other sites are directly linked from an entry at your site; that your formatting for sidebar links matches other elements of the sidebar, and so on.

Be sure to acknowledge sources properly and that every entry contains at least some of your own words, clearly distinguished from words and ideas borrowed elsewhere. This applies to your previous entries (which should be modified to ensure they are properly sourced) as well as to your new entries.

Review all the material posted on the course weblog since we began working on assignment two. Double- and triple-check to be sure you have set up your weblog so it works well, and ask me if you have any questions.

There are no new technical requirements for the third part of assignment two. Instead I want you to focus on developing content at your site. Be sure you have written at least a couple of entries per week over the three weeks we have been working on this assignment--about 350 words per week--and that a substantial portion of your entries deal with issues related to new information technologies, journalism, and so on. Use your weblog as your "thinking pad" for issues related to your field as well as other ideas as you see fit.

If you are having trouble coming up with ideas for topics, review the course readings and topical entries at this weblog. We can also discuss ideas in class.


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