Sunday, October 29, 2006

Remaining Assignments

There are four remaining submissions for the term listed in the course outline: Assignment #3; Quiz #2 (proposal); In-Class Presentation, and the Final Project. This sounds like a lot, but it should be manageable. Here's how it will work:

Assignment #3: This assignment will be a continuation of the previous two weblog assignments. You will be required to write at least two course-relevant entries (approximately 300 words total) per week on your existing weblog for the remaining weeks of the term. Some entries will require you to respond to a specific question I provide to you. In addition, there will be some specific technical assignments. Review date for the assignment will be 24 November;

Project Proposal (Quiz #2): Instead of a quiz, you will write a brief proposal for the final project (see below) and submit it to me via email. The due date for the proposal will be 1 pm Monday 13 November. The proposal should be no more than three paragraphs long and should describe what you would like to do for the final project, what product you would like to produce, and what topic you will address. The proposal should identify each student participating in the group and what each student's contribution to the project will be.

Final Project: The Final Project will be a group assignment with each student contributing an individual portion of the assignment. The product of the assignment, due Friday 8 December, may be a paper (3 to 4 pages double-spaced, plus references, per student) or it may be posted online as a linked series of weblogs, a group weblog (a few individuals posting to one weblog), or some other format you propose. Whatever format you choose, each individual student's contribution must be clearly identifiable.

Any topic of relevance to this course is acceptable. Some possibilities include:
--New Information Technologies in Kazakhstan/Central Asia
--Online Journalism
--Public Relations and Weblogs
--NITs and Citizen Journalism
--Useful Tools

Presentation: Each group will do an in-class presentation of their project during the last two weeks of class. Presentation dates will be determined in-class on Friday, 17 November.

We will discuss these further in class.


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