Thursday, August 31, 2006

Assignment #1: Weblog

Due Date, Friday 15 September, 1pm

Your first assignment (note: all assignments must be completed in English)

1. Create a weblog using Blogger, LiveJournal, or another blogging tool of your choice. We will introduce these tools in class and you will have some in-class time to work on this assignment, but expect to put in several hours of work outside class as well.
2. Work on your weblog for the next couple of weeks. We will discuss various features of weblogs (i.e. linking, commenting, blogrolls, etc.) in class. (Some helpful material will also be posted on the course weblog--be sure to check.) You should expect to use several of these features (and others you may find) in your own weblog.
3. Write at least two entries relevant to online journalism and post them to your weblog. (Some ideas for entries might be: Journalism and Weblogs; Online Resources for Journalists; Kazakhstan Online, etc.) (Expect your total word count for all entries to be at least 300 words—more is okay.)
4. Post the URL for your weblog to the entry “Student Weblog Links” on our course weblog no later than 1 pm Friday 15 September.

The assignment will be graded both on practical application of new information technology (how you construct your weblog, tools you use, etc.) and on theoretical content of your weblog and entries (relevance, clarity, etc.) Do not neglect either area.

If you have any questions, please let me know in class, via email, or during my office hours.

Frederick Emrich
410 Valikhanov
Office Hours: 2 to 4 pm, Tues/Thurs or by appointment


At 9/04/2006 12:45:00 AM, Blogger Frederick Emrich said...

Can you tell us what topics we can write about for this assignment?

At 3/05/2007 01:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank you for your comment.

At 7/01/2007 10:59:00 AM, Blogger The Kimep Blogger said...

Why don't some of the KIMEP professors start blogging, anonymously of course, and tell us a little bit about how the KIMEP management manages to piss off so many people? There's a story or three to be told there, that's for sure!


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